Blog Entries - 2019

A musical welcome to the holidays
Few things bring the spirit of the season closer than holiday music like that presented by Little Miami High School's choirs recently.
The groups hosted their holiday concert on Dec. 12. Thank you to LMHS choral director Sarah Baker and her talented performers!
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Fun with the Jolly Old Elf!
LMHS Student Government once again played host to the Jolly Old Elf during their annual Breakfast with Santa event on Dec. 14.
The day featured breakfast, crafts, photos, entertainment, shopping with local vendors and photos with Santa himself! Check out the photos of the day!
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Exam schedule announced
Little Miami High School has announced the schedule for first semester exams. Dec. 17 ETEH 7:15-7:46 a.m. 1st Period Exam 7:51-9:26 a.m. 2nd Period Exam 9:31-11:06 a.m. 5th Period 11:06 a.m.-12:38 p.m. 3rd Period
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Band Varsity Show Nov. 8
One doesn't typically picture a marching band on a stage, but during the Little Miami Marching Band Varsity Show in Nov. 8, confined spaces are part of the fun. This annual high-energy, high-volume event is a way to experience a compilation of the Band's
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'Midsummer Night's Dream' opens Oct. 24
It's a tale of order and disorder, love and marriage, reality and the appearance of reality. In fact, much like a dream! Little Miami High School Theatre will bring Shakespeare to life in their production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on Oct. 24, 26 and
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AFJROTC to help mark Veteran's Day
The Little Miami High School Air Force Junior ROTC will help celebrate Veteran's Day at a county-wide event on Monday, Nov. 11. The AFJROTC will present the Colors at the Countryside YMCA's annual Veteran's Day observance at noon at the Y's Lebanon
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Class of 2020 grad signs on sale
Show your pride in being a 2020 Little Miami graduate by purchasing a sign for your yard and for display at your graduation party! Each sign is $15 and is double-sided corrogated plastic with a metal stand included. Orders are being taken now through April
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Homecoming Week Sept. 23-27
The march toward a Homecoming victory against Southwest Ohio Conference rival Talawanda begins with Spirit Week, Sept. 23-27. Homecoming Parade: Friday, Sept. 27 at 5:30 p.m.Parade will follow the same route as last year from the junior high, around the high
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LMHS students part of new Jr. Chamber of Commerce
Three Little Miami High School students are now making local business connections after becoming part of the new Warren County Junior Chamber of Commerce. Jackson Gast, Kirk Ramsey and Molly Hugenberg were selected to be Little Miami's representatives on the
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Planned power outage Sept. 10
Little Miami Local Schools will again this year participate in Duke Energy’s PowerShare program, a demand response program that rewards the district for adjusting energy consumption levels during peak times. On Tuesday, Sept. 10, the district will
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Conferences coming Sept. 19
Little Miami High School will host parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, Sept. 19 from 3:30 to 7:00 p.m. Parents may schedule their conference times
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Chorale to perform at OMEA Conference
The Little Miami Select Women's Chorale was chosen to perform at the 2020 OMEA Professional Development Conference, which will be held in Cincinnati. This is the fourth time the chorale has been selected to be featured at an OMEA conference, having
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First days of school: By the numbers
Little Miami began the 2019-2020 school year with an enrollment of 5,195 students. This includes more than 800 new students who enrolled over the summer from our community, 20 different states and Canada. This enrollment number includes 352 new kindergarten
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Seeking Little Miami alumni
Are you a proud Little Miami graduate? Then we are looking for you! The Little Miami Alumni Scholarship committee is asking any and all graduates to complete a survey about their experiences at Little Miami High School. The committee will be honoring
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Important dates for '19-'20 school year
The countdown has begun for the 2019-2020 school year! Below are important dates for the month of August — including open house dates, schedule pick-ups and more — leading up to the first day of school on Aug. 15. Note for elementary (K-4)
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New family welcome July 25
Little Miami is putting out the welcome mat for all families who are new to the district. On Thursday, July 25 at 5 p.m., all new LM students and families are invited to the Little Miami High School auditorium for the District Welcome Event. Families will
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Finn to study in Hawaii this summer
Little Miami Junior High teacher Nancy Finn, a current master's student in the Global Field Program from Miami University's Project Dragonfly, will travel to Hawaii in late July to study ecology and sustainability. Finn will study what it takes to save
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LMHS grad wins UN award
Little Miami High School is delighted to announce that recent grad Sara Noyes was recognized by the United Nations Association–USA and InnerView Technologies in the 2018-19 National Community Service Awards. The award program has been designed to
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LMHS summer reading announced
Little Miami High School students who will be taking honors English in the fall of 2019-2020 have summer reading assignments to complete. See the info below. Grade 9 Honors English Grade 10 Honors English Grade 11 Honors English AP
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Congratulations to the Class of 2019
On Sunday, May 19, students in the Little Miami High School Class of 2019 crossed the stage at Wright State University’s Nutter Center and accepted their diplomas. This year’s graduating class of 313 garnered more than $4 million scholarships and
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Class of 2019 graduation May 19
Commencement exercises for the Little Miami High School Class of 2019 will be held Sunday, May 19 at 6 p.m. at the Nutter Center on the campus of Wright State University. To view a live feed of the ceremony, click this link:
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Creativity on display at Fine Arts Festival
A rich diversity in musical and visual art was on display on May 4 at Little Miami's annual Fine Arts Festival.
Everything from video movie adaptations to a capella choral music could be enjoyed throughout the day. Below is a gallery of just a few scenes from the day.
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Honoring the best of the best
Little Miami High School took time to honor the Class of 2019's top 10 highest achieving seniors at an Academic Signing event on May 1. These students--who will attend Brigham Young, Heidelberg University, Milligan College, Xavier and Ohio State, among
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6 earn IT industry credentials
Six Little Miami High School students have earned high-level industry credentials in the information technology field even before graduation. These students passed exams from the Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), a non-profit trade
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Technology info meeting May 21
A parent informational meeting about Little Miami Junior High's new one-to-one technology initiative will be held Tuesday, May 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. At this meeting, parents will hear an overview about the new computer devices that
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LM students honored during In Demand Jobs Week
In celebration of “In Demand Jobs Week” May 6-10, Lt. Governor Jon Husted and Ohio Sen. Steve Wilson honored high school students from around Warren County who have completed a rigorous career technical program and are entering the workforce in a
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Corradini, Meyer named Project Excellence winners
Congratulations to Little Miami High School science teacher Stephanie Corradini and Salem Twp. Elementary teacher Courtney Meyer who were named the 2019 Little Miami winners of the Project Excellence award. Every year, two teachers from each Warren County
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AP testing begins May 6
Advanced Placement (AP) exams begin Monday, May 6 and continue through May 16. All exams will take place in the multi-purpose room unless otherwise noted. Students need to be seated in their testing room by 7:30 a.m. for a morning exam and by 11:30 a.m. for
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Fine Arts Festival coming May 4
Enjoy a sampling of music and visual art from across the district at Rhythms and Renderings, the Little Miami fine arts festival, on Saturday, May 4 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Little Miami High School Music concerts from students in second grade to high school
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LMHS Theatre presents 'The Little Mermaid'
Join Little Miami High School Theatre for a colorful adventure under the sea as they present “The Little Mermaid” April 11-14. Rebellious teenage mermaid Ariel is fascinated with life on land. On one of her visits to the surface, which are
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LMHS testing begins April 9
Little Miami High School has announced the spring testing schedule for 2019. Testing begins at 7:15 a.m. each day. Students who are not testing that day must arrive at school five minutes before first period. First period times noted below. Buses will run
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Conferences, job fair coming April 25
The final parent/teacher conference night for this year at LMHS is on April 25 from 3:30 until 7:00 pm. If you would like to sign up for conferences, please use this
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Select choirs headed to state
Both the Little Miami Select Mixed Choir and the Select Women's Chorale are headed to state competition after earning superior ratings at the OMEA District 13 Large Group Adjudicated Event on March 8. This year was the first time since 2014 that the
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Baker named Ohio honor choir director
Little Miami High School choir director Sarah Baker was recently selected to lead the best and brightest vocalists not just at Little Miami, but across the state of Ohio. Baker was appointed director of the High School Women's Honor Chorus of the 2019
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4 LMHS seniors receive NTHS distinction
Four Little Miami High School seniors recently earned distinction for their high achievement in career technical education. Seniors Taylor Miller, Tommy McReynolds, Ben Hardesty, Brandon Nguyen were inducted into the National Technical Honor Society on
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Nguyen wins in regional BPA contest
A Little Miami High School senior will advance to state-level competition after recently winning his category at the Business Professionals of America Ohio Regional Conference. Brandon Nguyen placed first in the Microsoft Network Management category and will
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Wilson named Walter scholarship winner
An outstanding Little Miami High School senior recently received the prestigious Franklin B. Walter Scholarship from the Warren County Educational Services Center. Molly Wilson received the $500 scholarship that is given to one student from each Warren
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LMHS teacher Mark LaPille passes away
The Little Miami Schools community is mourning the loss of one of its most beloved educators after teacher Mark LaPille passed away on Sunday, Feb. 24. LaPille, a high school math teacher and coach best known for his quirky sense of humor and heart of gold,
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Nguyen, others win BPA regional awards
A Little Miami High School senior will advance to state-level competition after recently winning his category at the Business Professionals of America Ohio Regional Conference. Brandon Nguyen placed first in the Microsoft Network Management category and will
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Operation Military Angels helping service members
Members of the United States Armed Services soon will be receiving care packages from the Little Miami area thanks to the efforts of a high school junior with a desire to help others. All buildings in the Little Miami Local School district are currently
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LMHS juniors to take ACT Feb. 20
All Little Miami High School juniors will take the ACT on Feb. 20. All juniors must be at school by 7:30 am. Students in grades 9, 10, and 12 will not not report to school on Feb. 20. Schedule for juniors that day: 7:15-7:30 a.m.:
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Voge seeking votes in LLS contest
A Little Miami High School junior is hoping to garner community support as she strives to help her little sister following her battle against cancer. LMHS junior Chelsie Voge is currently a candidate for Cincinnati Student of the Year for the Leukemia and
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LM Choirs to host Princess Tea
The Little Miami Select Choirs will hold a Musical Princess Tea for girls ages 3 to grade 3 on March 2, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Little Miami Christian Church, 6140 Ludlum Road, Morrow. Young ladies will be treated like princesses as they engage in fun
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Freshmen 101 coming Feb. 7
Parents of students who will be freshmen for the 2019-20 school year are invited to attend Freshman 101 on Feb. 7 at 6 p.m. at the high school. School counselors will go over important information regarding high school credits, graduation requirements,
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LM Schools closed Friday, Feb. 1
Little Miami Schools will be closed Friday, Feb. 1 due to inclement weather.
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LM Schools closed Wednesday, Jan. 30
Little Miami Local Schools will be closed Wednesday, Jan. 30 due to predicted bitterly cold temperatures and wind chills.
All evening activities will be cancelled as well.
See more info about the process that goes into making a school closure decision.
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LMHS, Salem win ODE Momentum Award
Two Little Miami school buildings recently received recognition from the Ohio Department of Education for helping students grow even beyond state achievement goals. Little Miami High School and Salem Township Elementary both received the department’s
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Klercke, Nguyen earn IT credentials
Two Little Miami High School seniors recently earned high-level information technology credentials usually only obtained by adults in the workforce. Konnor Klercke and Brandon Nguyen earned professional distinction from CompTIA (Computer Technology
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LMHS conferences Feb. 7
Little Miami High School will host parent-teacher conferences on Thursday, Feb. 7 from 3:30-7 p.m.
Sign up for time slots by using this link:
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Building update meeting Jan. 24
Residents of the Little Miami Local School district are invited to attend a public meeting on Jan. 24 at 7 p.m. regarding the district's new construction projects, made possible by the passage of the May 2018 bond issue. The meeting will be held at Little
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LM Schools closed Jan. 16
Little Miami Local Schools are closed for Wednesday, Jan. 16 due to inclement weather and slick roadways.
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Trevathan wins national French award
The principal of Little Miami High School recently received national recognition for her support of the teaching of international languages at the high school level. Principal Cathy Trevathan was named the 2018 Outstanding Administrator by the American
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College Credit Plus meetings coming up
Little Miami will host a general informational meeting regarding the College Credit Plus program on Thursday, Jan. 17 at 6 p.m. in the Little Miami High School auditorium. Through the College Credit Plus program, qualified students in grades 7-12 for the
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