Winter Weather Information
During the 2024-2025 school year, when Little Miami Local Schools announces a school closure, the day will be a traditional calamity day - indicating NO WORK for students. If the district needs to make up instructional hours, additional hours of instruction will be scheduled using previously scheduled days off or by adding days to the end of the school year.
Cold Weather
Little Miami Schools will consider delaying or closing on days when The National Weather Service issues a Cold Weather Advisory or an Extreme Cold Warning. With students walking to school and waiting at bus stops, extreme cold of this nature is a safety issue.
- The National Weather Service issues an Extreme Cold Warning when air temperatures or wind chill values are -20°F or colder.
- The National Weather Service issues a Cold Weather Advisory when air temperatures or wind chill values are between -10°F and -19°F .

90-Minute Delay Building Start Times
- LMHS Student Day Begins: 8:45 AM (1st period starts - No ETEH)
- LMMS Student Day Begins: 8:50 AM
- LMES Student Day Begins: 9:50 AM
- LMPR Student Day Begins: 10:35 AM
- LMECC Student Day Begins: 10:55 AM
- AM Kindergarten/Preschool: 10:40 AM (door opens), 10:55 School Begins
- PM Kindergarten/Preschool: 1:55pm (doors open), 2:10 School Begins
Bus Information
On a 90-minute delay, Little Miami will bus all LM students as well as all students attending private schools. Your child’s bus will run the same route, just 90 minutes later than a typical day. Please be waiting at your bus stop 90-minutes later than your typical pick-up time, unless you have a student in Preschool or PM Kindergarten (see below for more).
Preschool & Kindergarten Information
Preschool & Kindergarten will be in session on weather-delayed starts. AM students come in 90 minutes later than the normal schedule and will return home 45 minutes later than normal. PM students will be picked up 45 minutes later and return home at their regular time. Please see the below modified schedule in the event of a 90-minute delay.
- AM Preschool and Kindergarten Students: Students will start the day 90 minutes later and will return home on the bus 45 minutes later than usual. Tardy bell rings at 10:55 AM.
- PM Preschool and Kindergarten Students: Students will be delayed 45 minutes later than usual and at the end of the day will return home at their regular time. Tardy bell rings at 2:10 PM.
Communicating Closures and Delays
Little Miami strives to make announcements regarding school schedules by 5:30 a.m. No announcement means "school as usual."
Announcements regarding delays or closings will be made in multiple locations:
- Local news media
- The district’s website
- Automated phone, email and text messages to families and staff
- District’s Facebook page
- District’s Twitter feed
- District’s Instagram account