Blog Entries - November 2018

LM holiday concerts coming up
Mark your calendar to enjoy one (or several) of upcoming holiday musical performances by Little Miami choirs and bands. All concerts will be held in the high school auditorium unless otherwise noted. Dec. 5: LMJH Band, 7 p.m. Dec. 6: LMHS Choir, 7
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Breakfast with Santa coming Dec. 8
Little Miami High School Student Government invite you and your family to enjoy a holiday breakfast and morning full of Christmas cheer! Wear your favorite holiday pajamas and come for Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 8 from 8 to 11 a.m. Enjoy a
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Halloween fun
Contestants from The Price is Right mingled with unicorns and vampires in the hallways of Little Miami High School during Halloween this year. Check out the photos!
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Interim grade policy changed
Beginning with the second grading quarter, Little Miami will no longer be sending home interim grade reports. Little Miami families have access to ProgressBook and their student's grades daily. Teachers update Progress Book every Monday. Due to the
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Conferences coming Nov. 15
LMHS parent/teacher conferences will be held on Nov. 15 from 3:30-7 p.m. Please use the following link to schedule a
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