Blog Entries - March 2018

Benbow, Swisher win art awards
The artistic talent of two Little Miami High School students recently earned them recognition from a regional art competition. Alison Benbow and Joseph Swisher were recognized as winners in the regional Scholastic Art Awards. Benbow won a gold key for her
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Schmucker, Purintun headed to BPA nationals
Two Little Miami High School students advanced to national-level competition after finishing in the top five at the Business Professionals of America Ohio Leadership Conference March 8-9. Students in business, information technology and digital media arts
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LMHS teams earn awards at Hackathon
The world’s next innovation in home safety and security may come from a team of Little Miami students. Little Miami High School students were high achievers in the recent Miami Valley Teen Coding Challenge, a contest that asked students to brainstorm,
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Loftin, Cooper win volunteer awards
Two Little Miami High School seniors have been recognized for their efforts in volunteering to improve their communities. Shaun Loftin and Tyler Cooper were recently notified that they had earned recognition from the Prudential Spirit of Community
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LM Schools closed Wednesday, March 21
Little Miami Local Schools will be closed Wednesday, March 21, 2018 due to inclement weather.
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2018 Prom coming Apr. 21
Little Miami High School will host Prom on Saturday, April 21 from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m. at the Oasis in Loveland. Prom tickets will be sold immediately after school in room 214. Tickets will be sold for $65 from April 3-6. Tickets will be $75 from April 9-13.
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LM seeking 3.6 mill bond issue for construction
On the May 8 ballot, Little Miami Local Schools will seek voter approval of a 3.6 mill bond issue for building construction and additions to accommodate the district's growing enrollment. This will be the second attempt to pass a bond that would generate
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