Blog Entries - April 2018

Rising 5th Grade Bump Up Day May 7
Moving to a new school can make a student nervous, but what about mom and dad, too? Little Miami understands! Parents of rising 5th graders will have the chance to get an inside look at life at the Intermediate School during Parent Bump Up Day on Monday, May
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Gasper, Woods named Project Excellence winners
Little Miami Superintendent Greg Power recently had the pleasure of surprising two district staff members with the news that they had been selected this year’s Area Progress Council’s Project Excellence award winners. Little Miami Intermediate
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Fine Arts Fest coming April 28
The gymnasium at Little Miami High School has played host to dances, basketball games and pep rallies over the years. But on Saturday, April 28, the gym will be transformed into a display space for hundreds of visual art pieces. The Little Miami Fine Arts
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PTO spring carnival set for May 5
When summer is so close you can almost taste it, it’s time to celebrate! Join the Little Miami Elementary PTOs for the Countdown to Summer Carnival on Saturday, May 5, 2018 at Little Miami High School. The event will be held 5-8 p.m. Students and
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3rd & 4th graders explore careers
Throughout the school year, students at Salem Twp. Elementary have been introduced to career and college information in an effort to have them start exploring the many options they have for their futures. In January, all 3rd and 4th graders had a visit
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