Blog Entries - September 2017

Destination Imagination info meeting Oct. 3
Do you have or know of a student who enjoys the performing arts, engineering, construction, research, science and design? Then try D.I.! An informational meeting to learn more about the Destination Imagination program will be held Tuesday, Oct. 3 at
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Student council collecting sock donations
The Salem Township Elementary School student council will be collecting donations of new socks all month during their "Socktober" sock drive.
All socks collected will then be donated to Matthew 25 Ministries. Socks may be dropped off on the stage of the third and fourth grade gym.
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4th graders visit Ft. Ancient
The Little Miami school district is located in one of the most historically significant areas in Ohio when it comes to Native American history. Salem Twp. Elementary fourth graders recently got a glimpse at the customs and culture of the people who lived here
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SchoolMessenger test call coming Oct. 5
With falling leaves and falling temperatures comes an increased likelihood of inclement weather. In preparation for winter, Little Miami Local Schools will test our new SchoolMessenger phone and email notification system on Thursday, Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. Little
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Third Grade Reading Guarantee info session Oct. 3
On Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2017 at 6 p.m. in the Salem Cafeteria, Little Miami Schools will hold an information session on the Third Grade Reading Guarantee and the State AIR Assessments that begin during the month of October. At this time building administrators,
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Oct. 5 & 12: Homework strategies and dinner, too
Each night of Parent-Teacher Conferences in October, Solutions Community Counseling and Recovery Centers will be conducting two sessions of a parent workshop about "Stress and Time Management: Making homework time more productive." The same
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LM working through Schoology issues
Having problems with Schoology? We are, too! While Little Miami is excited to be able to provide the Schoology learning management system to students, parents and staff this year, the district has been less than thrilled with the rocky roll-out of the new
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Possible power outage on Sept. 22
Little Miami was notified late Thursday that Duke Energy could ask Little Miami Local Schools to curtail power usage as early as today due to high temperatures and peak usage on the Duke power grid. As part of the PowerShare program,
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Mercy Health Fair coming Oct. 7
Join Jewish Hospital-Mercy Health Women's Center for a day of health and wellness at the Women's Health Fair on Saturday, Oct. 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Little Miami High School. In addition to free health screenings, there will be door prizes/raffles,
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Spaghetti dinner benefit coming Sept. 19
Birds of a feather flock together, especially when a spaghetti dinner is involved! The Salem Elementary PTO and the Panther Backpack program will be host a spaghetti dinner fundraiser on Tuesday, Sept. 19 from 5:30-7 p.m. at the school. LaRosa's will be
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90-min. delayed start coming Sept. 18
Little Miami Local Schools will be on a scheduled 90-minute delayed start on Monday, Sept. 18 for the purpose of teacher in-service. Students will begin their school day 90 minutes later than the typical day and morning bus service will run on a 90-minute
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Salem super readers recognized
Four young readers from Salem Twp. Elementary were recently recognized for their hard work over the summer. Principal Lisa Smith recently recognized Samantha and Charli Miller, Abby Tranter and Ian Laubernds for their completion of Mrs. Smith's summer
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