Blog Entries - November 2020

LMHS Will Remain in Remote Instruction Through Thanksgiving Break
Little Miami High School will continue remote instruction through Tuesday, November 24th. LM administration will continue to evaluate the safest option for LMHS as cases are reported and will inform students, parents, and staff if the remote
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ALL PK-12 Little Miami Students Remote 11/30-12/4
The health and safety of our students, staff and the Little Miami community will always be our top priority. Please understand that we must make decisions on behalf of over 5,000 students and in an unprecedented environment, that may lead to change and
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Notice of November Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, November 24, 2020 at 7 p.m. The meeting will be held virtually and will be broadcast on Facebook Live. If you have a comment for the Board, please submit your comment
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No School for PK-6th Grade on November 20
Little Miami Pre-K through 6th Grades will be cancelled Friday, November 20. Little Miami has determined that teacher absences and substitute shortages will exceed our ability to provide safe and adequate supervision & instruction for our students, and
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LMJH In-Person Students Move to Remote Instruction Through 11/24
Little Miami Junior High in-person students are moving to remote instruction effective Friday, November 20 through Tuesday, November 24, 2020. The LM Tech Department will be on-site at the Junior High tomorrow to address device issues and assist with
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Remote Learning Expectations & Helpful Tips
While the goal of Little Miami is to remain learning in-person as long as that is a safe option, we must be prepared in case there is a need to move to remote instruction or if your student is quarantined. To assist in making learning at home as successful as
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Celebrating a Virtual Veterans Day
Even though we could not have our beloved Veterans in the buildings this year to celebrate, LM students still made sure to honor them in special ways. Happy Veterans Day to all who have served or are serving! Thank you! At Butlerville, students decorated the
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LMHS Moves to Remote Learning 11/11-11/13
Little Miami High School is moving to remote instruction effective tomorrow, 11/11/2020 through Friday, 11/13/2020. All other buildings will report to in-person school as normal. All High School & Junior High extracurricular and
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Board of Education Special Meeting
FYI: The Little Miami Board of Education will meet for a Special Meeting on Tuesday, November 10 at 7:00 PM at Central Office. Click here to view the agenda.
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Meals for Thanksgiving Break
Thanks to our hard-working Food Services team, we will be offering FREE school meals for the Thanksgiving Holiday Break for families that would like them. Deadline to sign up is next Saturday, Nov. 14th! Please follow the links below for more information
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How the Tech Department Keeps Us Connected
Staying connected while being apart has become an essential in this COVID-19 world. While connecting online seems as easy as turning on the power button, there is an entire team of hardworking tech professionals working behind the scenes to make sure
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Issue 12 Passes- Thank You Voters!
Thank you to the voters and supporters of Little Miami for passing this much-needed levy renewal! This passage will allow the district to continue to collect the same amount of annual revenue it has done since this renewal was originally approved in 2011. It
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