Blog Entries - 2021

Notice of December Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting
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LM Closed Dec. 20-22
Little Miami Local Schools will be closed December 20-22, 2021 due to staffing shortfalls related to illness and the increased challenge of finding substitutes to cover staff absences. The district is also experiencing increased number of student absences due
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LM Responds to Social Media Threats Regarding Dec. 17th
Little Miami Local Schools is aware of rumors/threats circulating on social media, specifically TikTok, regarding December 17th as “National Shoot Up Your School Day,” threatening shootings, bomb threats, and other violent acts. While these
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Student-Made Threat at LMMS
On Tuesday, December 14th, Little Miami Middle School Administration became aware of a student-made threat. LMMS Administration acted quickly to notify Hamilton Township Police Department. Little Miami is working in coordination with Hamilton Township Police
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LM Students Earn Spots in Prestigious Honor Band
On December 4th, several Little Miami students auditioned for the Ohio Music Education Association's District 13 honor band, including students from Mason, Lakota East/West, Fairfield, Lebanon, Ross, Tri-County North, Springboro, Clinton-Massie, and Little
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Applications for the Warren County Career Center Now Open!
The application for the Warren County Career Center is now OPEN. The application is due January 31st. If students have questions or concerns, please see or sign up for a meeting with their respective school counselor. Click here to
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First Responder Recognition Night @ Dec. 10 LMHS Basketball Game
Little Miami Local Schools would like to formally invite all local first responders to attend & be recognized during half time at the Friday, December 10th Home Men’s Basketball Game vs. Anderson. The December 10th recognition will cap off Little
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Safety Week at LM Dec. 6-10
Little Miami Local Schools will be engaging in a “Safety Week” next week, December 6-10, to conduct state-required emergency exercises to ensure students & staff are aware of and prepared for how to respond in case of an emergency at school.
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2022-2023 Draft Academic Calendars Available Now!
Little Miami Local Schools has released two draft academic calendars for 2022-2023 and is requesting your feedback! Please send suggestions regarding the proposed calendars to [email protected] by January 11, 2022. Click here to view Draft
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Notice of November Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting
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Don't Miss the LMHS PTO Arts and Craft Show!
Calling all craft-lovers! We are thrilled to welcome back the LMHS PTO Craft Show on Saturday, November 20th! This annual event is a Panther community-favorite and will certainly help you get a jump on your holiday shopping! More than 100 crafters and local
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Celebrating National Psychologist Week
National School Psychology Week is November 8–12, 2021, which is a fun, easy way to highlight the important work school psychologists do to help all students thrive. The Little Miami Local School District employs 4 full-time school psychologists and 1
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Updated COVID-19 Testing Center Hours
Due to reduced student demand for COVID-19 testing, the hours for student COVID-19 testing at Central Office will now be: Monday-Friday | 7-8 AM and 2-3 PM Little Miami Central Office (95 E. US 22&3) To make better use of the great
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Test to Stay Pilot Program Results
The results are in & we are excited to share the data gathered from the four-week Ohio K-12 Quarantine Alternative Pilot Program. With our focus on safely keeping students in school, in-person, five days a week, important lessons were learned through
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Smoke Reported at LM Transportation Office
UPDATE: The source of the smoke at the LM Transportation Office was identified to be a water fountain, which has since been disabled. LM Staff members located at the Transportation Office are able to resume daily operations and no damage was done to the
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LMPR Dismissal Information 10/29
Please be aware there is an emergency with a patient at the Mercy Health Clinic located at LMPR. There is no emergency in the building with students. Students who are car riders will be held in the building until the emergency is resolved and the ambulance
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Board Member Bobbie Grice Honored by State Association
Bobbie Grice, vice president of the Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education and president of the Warren County Career Center School Board, has been recognized for her service to a statewide association of school boards. At the October LM Board of
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LM to Implement Mask to Stay, Test to Play Guidelines
Yesterday, October 25th, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced a new quarantine option - Mask to Stay, Test to Play – for students exposed to COVID-19 at school. The guidelines put forth yesterday aim to help Little Miami’s goal of keeping healthy
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Notice of October Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting
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October 25-29 is Red Ribbon Week @ LMES
October is a month to bring awareness against Drugs/Alcohol, Bullying and Violence. Every October, schools across Ohio celebrate Red Ribbon Week to involve all parts of the community in the process of drug prevention. This week provides an opportunity to
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LMHS Air Force Junior ROTC Program Earns Highest Marks
The AFJROTC program underwent a Unit Evaluation on October 14th, is the AFJROTC Unit Evaluation. This evaluation was conducted by the Region 7 Director for Headquarters Air Force JROTC. This evaluation occurs once every three years and the AFJROTC cadets
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Notification System Test - October 20, 2021
On Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 at approximately 10 a.m., Little Miami Local Schools will conduct a test of the district notification system via phone call, email, and text. Those listed as “Parent/Legal Guardian” and/or “Same as Student
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Bus 67 Running 30 Minutes Late 10/15
Bus 67- "Fish" is running at least 30 minutes late transporting LMHS and LMMS students to school this morning. Students will not be marked tardy upon their arrival at school. Thank you for your patience! Blog Entry Synopsis End

LMHS Choirs in Concert on October 21
Mark your calendars for a night of great music, talent & fun! Next Thursday, October 21st, all five Little Miami High School choir groups will be in concert & are thrilled to be able to perform for an audience again. The concert is free and
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LM to Test Notification System on October 20th
On Wednesday, October 20th, 2021 at approximately 10 a.m., Little Miami Local Schools will be conducting a test of the all call notification system via phone call, email, and text. Those listed as “Parent/Legal Guardian” and/or “Same as
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LMES Bus 34 - Dragonfly Running Late
LMES Families - Please be aware that Bus 34 "Dragonfly" is running approximately 20 minutes late this morning, October 7, 2021. We apologize for the inconvenience. Students will not be marked tardy upon their arrival.
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IDEA Parent/Stakeholder Meeting Date Announced
Little Miami is hosting the 21-22 IDEA Parent/Stakeholder Meeting on October 15, 2021 from 2:00-3:00 PM at Little Miami Central Office located at 95 East US 22-3, Maineville, OH 45039. The purpose of the meeting is to provide parents and stakeholders with
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Phone & Internet Outage at LMES and Transportation Office
Little Miami Elementary School & the LM Transportation Office are currently experiencing a phone and Internet outage this morning, October 1st. To contact LMES, Transportation, or report your student absent, please direct all calls to Little Miami Central
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All Eligible PK-12 Grade Students May Join "Test & Stay" Program on Oct. 5
Little Miami Schools is ready to welcome students of all LM buildings into the “Test and Stay” quarantine alternative pilot program starting Tuesday, October 5th. Beginning October 5th, if any student in grades PK-12 is identified as a direct
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Notice of September Board Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, Tuesday 28, 2021 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be livestreaming the meeting
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LM to Implement Quarantine Alternative Pilot Program
Little Miami Local Schools recognizes that keeping students safely in school, in-person, five days a week is vital to the health & wellness of students- a goal that remains a top priority for the district. To achieve this goal, Little Miami Local Schools
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LMHS Wins 2021 College Success Award - Gold
Congratulations are in order for Little Miami High School students, teachers & staff, as LMHS has won a 2021 College Success Award from for excellence in preparing students for college and beyond. In addition to winning this
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Four LM Seniors are National Merit Scholar Semifinalists
Congratulations to four incredible LMHS Seniors- Dakota Baldwin, Madelyn Highfield, Ryan Houser, and Emily Yeung - who are Semifinalists in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. These academically talented LM Panthers will have an opportunity to
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2021 Homecoming Parade Info
Panther Nation - Come out and celebrate Homecoming by participating in the Homecoming parade this Friday, Sept. 24! The parade will begin at 5:30 PM and will travel from Little Miami Middle School around the Little Miami High School building and back. The
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LMPR Emergency Button Accidentally Pushed - NO EMERGENCY
This morning, September 20, prior to the arrival of students, the emergency button at Little Miami Primary School was accidentally pushed. Per procedure, local fire & police agencies responded to LMPR, and discovered no emergency at the building. This information is for your awareness.
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Homecoming Dance Tickets On Sale Now!
LMHS Students- join us for a "Night Under the Stars!" LMHS Student Council is so excited to offer a dance celebration while being mindful of COVID-19 guidelines. This year's Homecoming Dance will take place OUTDOORS on Saturday, September 25th from 7-10 PM
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Homecoming Spirit Week Sept. 20-24
It’s that time of year Panther Nation! Homecoming is next week September 20th-24th & we invite all students to show their Panther Pride by participating in the themed spirit days! Please see below for the themed days at each
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Quarantine Pilot Program Update
In an effort to be fully transparent with our community, we wanted to share an update about where the Quarantine Pilot program proposed to ODH currently stands. Recently, you may have seen local news stories about a September 13th start date and details of
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LMPR and LMECC Buses Running Late
All LM buses transporting LMPR and LMEC students have departed their buildings and are out on their routes transporting students home. Please expect your student to be at their bus stop 15-20 minutes after their original bus stop time. Thank you for your patience.
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LMPR AND LMECC Buses Running 15 Min. Late
All LM buses transporting LMPR and LMEC students have departed their buildings and are out on their routes transporting students home. Please expect your student to be at their bus stop 15 minutes after their original bus stop time. Thank you for your patience.
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LMPR and LMECC Buses Running Late
All buses transporting Little Miami Primary & Little Miami Early Childhood Center students are running late. Expect delays of up to 45 minutes to an hour. Please be patient as we work to transport students home safely. Thank you.
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BUS UPDATE: All buses transporting LMECC & LMPR students have departed their buildings and are out on their routes. You should expect your student to be dropped at their bus stop within an hour and a half to an hour and forty-five minutes of their original bus stop time. We apologize for the delay and inconvenience this may cause families. Blog Entry Synopsis End

Phone & Internet Service Disruption at LMES and Transportation Office
UPDATE: 3:57 PM Phone and Internet service at Little Miami Elementary School has been restored. Transportation Office Staff will remain at the Little Miami Early Childhood Center for the time being and can be reached at 513-899-2941. Thank
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Bus 18 Involved in Minor Traffic Accident
This morning, September 7th, while transporting 12 LMHS and LMMS students to school, Bus 18 was involved in a minor traffic accident on Foster-Maineville Rd. No injuries were reported and students were transported to school safely via another bus. All parents of students on board were notified this morning.
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All LM Buses Running 45 Minutes Late
All buses transporting LMMS and LMHS students are approximately 45 minutes behind schedule. Please be patient as we work to get students home safely.
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Quarantine Pilot Program Approved for Warren County Schools
UPDATE 9/14: Discussions regarding program specifics and implementation have not yet been had between LM Administration and ODH. Little Miami will not be implementing the pilot program until further discussion and guidance is given to the district by ODH
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New Family Welcome TONIGHT!
Welcome Panther Families!! Please come join us tonight, August 31st, at Little Miami High School (3001 E US 22&3) for the 2021 New Family Welcome! You will get a chance to meet Little Miami administrators, get district information, and tour your
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Important Family Update 8-31
We are so excited to welcome students back to the classroom next week! In preparation for the start of the school year, we have important updates to share. While this update is lengthy, please read it in its entirely to gain an understanding about how LM
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Early Childhood Center Dedication - THIS SUNDAY!
Hey Panther Families - Don't forget to join us this Sunday, August 29th from 1:30-4 PM for a Building Dedication Ceremony at the Little Miami Early Childhood Center! After a short program, you will get a chance to view LMECC on a self-guided tour,
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Memorial Events & Funeral Information for Emerie Schandorf-Woode
The Little Miami family is mourning the loss of one of our young Panthers. Emerie Schandorf-Woode, a 4-year old soon-to-be preschooler, tragically passed away on Sunday, August 22nd, shattering the hearts of this community. Emerie will be
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LMMS Student Schedules Live on Aug. 28
Little Miami Middle School Families- Middle School schedules will go live on Saturday, August 28, 2021. Each student will be able to access their schedule through ProgressBook. Sixth, seventh, and NEW eighth (8th) grade students will log into
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Notice of August Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, August 24, 2021 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be broadcasting the meeting on Facebook
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May We Remember Emerie
It is with the deepest sadness that we share the tragic news of the death of one of our young Panthers, four-year-old, Emerie Schandorf-Woode, who would have entered Preschool in just a few short weeks. Every young death is tragic, but it is so profoundly
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21-22 Free & Reduced Applications Available
Free & Reduced Meal Applications for the 21-22 school year are now available! You can sign up via PaySchools Central or download the paper application. Free & Reduced applications are more than just meals! Your family could be eligible for fee
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UC Health Officials Provide Insight to Warren County Superintendents
Little Miami Local Schools would like to extend a very warm Panther thank you to our insightful community partners at UC Health and Cincinnati Children’s for their medical presentation to Warren County’s public-school superintendents on Friday,
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Prepare Your Young Panther for Learning Success - Enroll in the Imagination Library
Developing literacy begins at birth. By the age of three, a child’s brain is already 80% developed, and, by the time a child enters kindergarten, they must already know thousands of words in order to succeed in the classroom. Reading aloud to a child
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New Family Welcome Date Moved to AUGUST 31st
In order to give Panther Families the best welcome experience possible, we have decided to move the date of the New Family Welcome to TUESDAY, AUGUST 31st. While we had the ambitious goal to open our doors by August 19th, due to construction & occupancy
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Introducing LM's New Director of Food Services
A new school year means new faces! Little Miami is thrilled to welcome Mr. Ron McWhorter as the new Food Services Director. This summer, LM began a search for a new Director to lead the dedicated Food Services team after former Director Rachel Tilford
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'21-'22 Return to Learn Guidance
In coordination with recommendations from the Warren County Health District, ODH, and the CDC, Little Miami Local Schools will be adhering to the guidance proposed in the Warren County Schools Common Reopening Plan for the 2021-2022 School Year. As
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Summer Meal Pack Pick Up Continues Through Aug. 25
Summer Meal Pack Program is still going on through August 25th! If your family is interested in picking up meals for children 0-18, come on out to Little Miami Primary on Wednesdays from 10 AM-6 PM. No sign up is necessary & children DO NOT need to be
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Digital Media Arts Class Earns Top Honors
Team USA isn’t the only team earning Gold this summer! Our talented LM students in the Digital Media Arts class have been busy collecting awards & commendations for their great work during the 20-21 school year. Freshman 101 Website Digital Media
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Welcome Winston! LMES Gets Therapy Dog for 2021-2022
The staff at Little Miami Elementary School (LMES) is getting a little cuddlier this year! LMES Counselor Dawn Gasper will be teaming up with her furry new colleague, Winston, to support the emotional well-being of Little Miami students in a unique way.
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Warren County to Host Back to School Immunization Clinic
Now is the time to schedule annual wellness visits, sports physicals & to ensure your student's health records are up to date! For your family’s convenience, the Little Miami Health Center is OPEN Monday-Friday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Schedule an
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Join Us For a New Family Welcome on August 31st!
New to Little Miami? Join us at Little Miami High School (3001 E US 22&3) on TUESDAY, AUGUST 31ST for a New Family Welcome event where you will have the opportunity to hear from & meet Little Miami administrators, get district information, and
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Notice of July Board of Education Meeting
The Little Miami Local Schools Board of Education will meet in regular session on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 7 p.m. The meeting is open to the public and will be held in the Panther Room at Central Office. We will also be broadcasting the meeting on Facebook
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Save the Date! Community Building Tour
Save the Date! With district construction nearly complete, we want to welcome you & your families to tour the updated spaces as a celebration of all the community has done to allow our students the opportunity to learn in these new & renovated
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New School Fee Payment Platform for '21-'22 School Year
As we gear up for the start of a new school year, changes & improvements are being made for your family’s convenience. This year, Little Miami Schools will be migrating from the EZPay payment processing system to PaySchools Central as the method to
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Little Miami Welcomes Two New Assistant Principals
The Panther family is welcoming two new building leaders who are eager to join Little Miami Local Schools this fall! On June 29, the Board of Education approved Dr. Kevin Harleman as Assistant Principal at Little Miami High School and Mrs. Elyse Parker as
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LM Students are Wildly Talented!
With a new school year quickly approaching, we wanted to take the time to reflect on some of the great work done by creative & talented Panthers during the 2020-2021 school year. In Mr. DeSanctis’s Digital Media Arts 1 (DMA 1) class, LMHS students
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