LM to Implement Quarantine Alternative Pilot Program

Little Miami Local Schools recognizes that keeping students safely in school, in-person, five days a week is vital to the health & wellness of students- a goal that remains a top priority for the district.
To achieve this goal, Little Miami Local Schools will be participating in a COVID-19 Quarantine Alternative Pilot Program, known as “Ohio Test and Stay,” that provides an alternative option to at-home quarantine for students who are identified as direct contacts of a positive case of COVID-19 at school. This pilot uses mask wearing and frequent testing to keep healthy students in school & keep sick students at home.
Currently, the pilot only applies to students who are direct contacts due to exposure at school, not through a community exposure or school-sponsored activity exposure. Students identified as direct contacts (directly exposed to a person with COVID-19, are unmasked, unvaccinated, and are within 3 feet of a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes) will be eligible to participate in the program, allowing them to stay in school if they meet specific requirements.