Blog Entries - 2018

LM preschool updates enrollment process
Little Miami Preschool has updated its enrollment process and deadlines to express interest in enrollment are earlier than in previous years. Any new families who are interested in enrolling in Little Miami preschool must complete a Google form between Jan.
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Interim grade policy changed
Beginning with the second grading quarter, Little Miami will no longer be sending home interim grade reports. Little Miami families have access to ProgressBook and their student's grades daily. Teachers update Progress Book every Monday. Due to the
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Preschool halloween fun!
Little ghosts and goblins -- along with a few skeletons and kitty cats -- enjoyed some Halloween fun at Little Miami preschool. Check out the photos!
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Homecoming & Spirit Week on the way!
The march toward a Homecoming victory against Northwest begins with Spirit Week, Sept. 24-28. Homecoming ParadeThe 2018 Homecoming Parade will step off 5:30 p.m. from Little Miami Jr. High School and will again circle the campuses of Little Miami Jr. High
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Delayed start coming Aug. 27
Little Miami Local Schools will be on a scheduled 90-minute delayed start on Aug. 27 for the purpose of teacher in-service. Students will begin their school day 90 minutes later than the typical day and morning bus service will run on a 90-minute delay as
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New entrance, traffic pattern at Salem
A new school year has brought several new changes to building entrances and traffic patterns at Little Miami’s elementary buildings. Security upgrades to entrances at Salem Twp., Harlan-Butlerville and Hamilton-Maineville will be some of the most
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New faces coming to LM classrooms
Little Miami has rolled out the welcome mat for a new group of educators as more than 30 new teachers have been hired for the 2018-2019 school year. From preschool to high school math, these educators will be leading classrooms in all buildings. A new
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Update on schedules, Gateway and bus info
As of Aug. 2, here is an update on student schedules, Registration Gateway and bus routes: The Registration Gateway link to update student information is now working. You may now follow the instructions received in communication from your
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Mercy clinic open house Aug. 10
Mercy Health Cincinnati will open its fifth school-based health center at Little Miami School District’s Intermediate School this school year. Construction is set to be complete on Aug. 3 and the center will start seeing patients on Aug. 13. The health
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'18-'19 school supply lists announced
School supply lists for the 2018-2019 school year have been announced. Click the appropriate grade level for your list. Grades 9-12 Grades 7-8 Grades 5-6 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade
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School offices on summer hours
Little Miami school offices are now operating on summer hours. All school offices, with the exception of the high school, will close for the summer on Thursday, May 31. They will reopen on July 30. The high school office is open daily, 6:30 a.m. to 3
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New family welcome July 26
Little Miami is putting out the welcome mat for all families who are new to the district. On Thursday, July 26 at 5:30 p.m., all new LM students and families are invited to the Little Miami High School auditorium for the District Welcome Event. Families will
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Open house schedule changes for 18-19 school year
It is officially back-to-school time when those annual Open House nights roll around in August, but sometimes that open house experience can be a little hectic. In response to parent feedback, Little Miami has changed the way it will host open houses for the
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Fine Arts Fest coming April 28
The gymnasium at Little Miami High School has played host to dances, basketball games and pep rallies over the years. But on Saturday, April 28, the gym will be transformed into a display space for hundreds of visual art pieces. The Little Miami Fine Arts
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PTO spring carnival set for May 5
When summer is so close you can almost taste it, it’s time to celebrate! Join the Little Miami Elementary PTOs for the Countdown to Summer Carnival on Saturday, May 5, 2018 at Little Miami High School. The event will be held 5-8 p.m. Students and
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LM Schools closed Wednesday, March 21
Little Miami Local Schools will be closed Wednesday, March 21, 2018 due to inclement weather.
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Preschool registration underway
Little Miami Preschool registration has begun. Priority registration for current students, siblings and teachers who reside in the district will be March 16-23, 2018. Registration for lottery for remaining open spots will be April 9-20, 2018. The
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LM seeking 3.6 mill bond issue for construction
On the May 8 ballot, Little Miami Local Schools will seek voter approval of a 3.6 mill bond issue for building construction and additions to accommodate the district's growing enrollment. This will be the second attempt to pass a bond that would generate
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Celebrating 100 days of school
Elementary students around Little Miami are 100 days smarter as they celebrated reaching the 100th day of the 2017-18 school year last week. At Hamilton-Maineville, students brought in 100 of their favorite items to show their fellow classmates
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Start with Hello Week at Salem
Students at Salem Twp. Elementary went the extra step to be kind to their fellow classmates as they celebrated the Sandy Hook Promise Start with Hello Week Feb. 5-9. Start With Hello is a program to help prevent social isolation, which is the
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LM Schools closed Wednesday, Feb. 7
Little Miami Local Schools will be closed Wednesday, Feb. 7 due to inclement weather.
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LM Schools on 90-min. delay on Monday, Feb. 5
Little Miami Schools will be on a 90-minute delayed start on Monday, Feb. 5 due to inclement weather. Students will begin their school day 90 minutes later than the typical day and morning bus service will run on a 90-minute delay as well. Morning
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Thanking our school counselors
Little Miami is pleased to recognize all of our school counselors during National School Counseling Week Feb. 5–9, 2018. Little Miami is proud to recognize counselors who work in partnership with parents as they encounter the challenges of raising
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Nominate a teacher for Project Excellence
Is there a Little Miami teacher who has made a positive impact on you or a student you know? Do you know a teacher who goes above what it is expected and strives to make each of his or her students achieve at the highest level? If so, nominate that
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Little Miami Preschool earns 5-star rating
In recognition of a commitment to quality and an ongoing dedication to the learning and development of children, the Little Miami Preschool Program has received a Five-Star Step Up To Quality Award from the state of Ohio, the highest possible rating. Step Up
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LM Schools closed Tuesday, Jan. 16
Little Miami Local Schools will be closed Tuesday, Jan. 16 due to poor road conditions and inclement weather.
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LM Schools to release 2 hours early on Jan. 12
Due to predicted inclement weather, Little Miami Local Schools will dismiss school two hours early on Friday, Jan. 12.
Both A.M. and P.M. kindergarten and preschool will be canceled as well.
All evening activities will also be canceled.
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LM Schools closed Monday, Jan. 8
Little Miami Schools will be closed on Monday, Jan. 8 due to inclement weather.
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Little Miami closed Friday, Jan. 5
Little Miami Schools will be closed on Friday, Jan. 5, 2018 due to inclement weather.
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