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District-wide issues with Schoology

Posted on: April 2, 2020

Dear Little Miami families,

We have heard from many of you recently that Schoology has not been working well or at all. Because we have directed Little Miami students and families to use Schoology to stay connected with their teachers, we have shared in your frustration.

Schoology is a third-party vendor for Little Miami and today we received communication from Schoology that confirms that they have been experiencing outages. Because education across the country shifted to online almost overnight, Schoology experienced a nearly 400% increase in usage, causing service interruptions.

According to Schoology's communication to us, they are making changes and updates that allow them to scale the system to support users. These are some of the steps they are taking to address these issues: 

  • Increasing monitoring, specifically looking for areas of the site that are causing performance degradation
  • During peak usage periods throughout the day, turning off certain resource intensive processes that have minimal impact on users
  • Implementing specific throttles that allow Schoology to quickly mitigate potential performance issues in certain features
  • Tuning infrastructure to account for the much larger volumes

We apologize for the inconvenience and frustration that these interruptions have caused. We know how important it is that -- when we are trying to navigate unprecedented times -- things like Schoology need to work. We ask for your patience and we will continue to monitor this situation.